Welcome to the Vault

We have a record of just about every note we've played as a band thanks to my Zoom handheld recorder. There are some good and bad things that go along with this. One of the good things is that we can listen back on our progression as a band. Another is that we can offer a little insight into how we put songs together. When listening back, it's pretty easy to hear that some don't take very much work, but others are mixed up, torn apart, beaten, and/or bloodied before being done. It's an interesting process to be a part of, so we thought that it might be interesting to hear as an outsider listening in. For some of the songs, there is written commentary about the songs themselves, their meanings, and how they came to be RCE songs. The lyrics for each song are also included (including some original lyric sheets) and when we have video, we've made that available. It's either a multi-media dream or nightmare...

Before you begin listening, let's get a few things out of the way (otherwise know as the bad things about having a record of just about every note we've played together).

First, I am not a great singer. There are a few notes/performances in here that make me cringe slightly... and question my desire to post these tracks.

Second, the recorder has two microphones. One is in the front and one in the back. Many of these recordings were made in living rooms (mine or Dave B's) without professional mixing or recording guidance. Please don't expect studio quality recordings.

Third, we chopped a lot of the songs up and just have pieces of them available. Many are from rehearsals and demos where we're still learning the songs and working out parts. Some things just aren't made to be heard by anyone outside of the band.

So, without further ado... we present the RCE vault. Enjoy.

The Flood

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You Are Free

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On My Way

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Hey Hey

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Already Done

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Nothing Left To Bleed

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Just Like Jesus

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Slow Burn

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I Will Not Fade Away

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Dead Man

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More Than a Normal Life

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Storm Blowing

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You Might Have a Prayer

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There Was a Song

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Waiting Around To Die

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